Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Black cumin For Asthma Treatment

Asthma is a symptom caused by abnormalities of the airways. This is a heightened sensitivity to stimuli from the environment as a trigger. Among them are due to emotional disturbances, physical fatigue, weather changes, temperature, dust, smoke, odors which stimulate, respiratory infections, dietary factors and allergic reactions. How black cumin can cure asthma, below are the following explanation.
It has been explained above that asthma has many causes, and most often occurs due to allergy. The most common asthma by children and are potentially disrupt the growth and development of the children themselves. Asthma can be said to be hereditary. If one parent had a history of asthma, 25% of the children likely to develop asthma. If both parents have a history of asthma the child's risk of developing asthma by 50%.
The level of mild symptoms such as cough / sneeze repeated until severe symptoms of asthma attacks (difficulty breathing). Level of sensitivity symptoms started since childhood that can heal by itself, but at a time will come again with more severe levels of symptoms called asthma.
Occurrence of Asthma Attacks
The occurrence of asthma attacks that began in instances where the smooth muscle of the bronchi seizures and tissues lining the airways have swollen because of the inflammation (inflammation) and the release of mucus into the airways. This resulted in a diameter smaller airways (called bronchoconstriction) and with a diameter narrowing of the airways, the patient must strive in order to breathe.
Certain cells in the airways (particularly mast cells) allegedly responsible for the beginning of this constriction. Mast cells throughout the bronchi release material such as histamine and leukotrienes that cause smooth muscle contraction, increased mucus formation, and transfer of certain white blood cells into the bronchi. Mast cells release the material as a response to something they recognize as foreign bodies (allergens), such as pollen, fine dust contained in the house or animal fur.
But asthma can also occur in some people who do not have a specific allergy. The same reaction occurs if the person is doing sports or being in cold weather. Stress and anxiety can also trigger the release of histamine and leukotrienes. Other cells (eosnofil) are found in asthmatic airways release other materials (as well as leukotrienes), which also causes constriction of the airways.
Symptoms that often arise include:
* Runny nose, sneezing, coughing, scratchy throat accompanied by unruly* Shortness of breath accompanied by trouble when issuing air discharge coupled with the sounds (wheezing), cold sweating, increased pulse rate* When doing sports that are too heavy or doing activities that cause fatigue will cause coughing.* If there is a fairly severe asthma attack, there will be cyanosis (bluish around the mouth)
So far, people say that asthma can not be completely cured and drugs that are currently only serves relieve symptoms, and with asthma control, asthma sufferers can be free of asthma symptoms that interfere so as to lead activities of daily living . Given the many risk factors that play a role, then the priority treatment of asthma has so far aimed at controlling symptoms. Good control is expected to prevent the occurrence of exacerbations (
recurrence of asthma symptoms), normalize lung function, obtaining a good social activity and improve quality.
Besides the drugs that exist today although it can eliminate the symptoms of asthma, but also have side effects include rapid heartbeat, restlessness, headache, tremors (shaking) muscles, nausea, vomiting, seizures, insomnia and anxiety.
Homemade remedy for asthma with Black cumin can effectively treat asthma
Previously described that in the black cumin has a lot of nutrient content, but there are other compounds that can also be said to be essential for the healing process of asthma and allergies is nigellone and thymoquinone. Nigellone useful to prevent muscle spasms and dilate the respiratory tract, but it is also nigellone as an antihistamine, which helps reduce allergies, whereas thymoquinone efficacious in healing anti-inflammatory and anti-pain. These compounds are effective for flushing the body of toxins.
This is consistent with research conducted by a group of scientists from the Pharmacology Research Laboratories, Department of Pharmacy, Kings College in 1995, which could prove that the volatile oil of black cumin and its derivative thymoquinone may act as an antiinflammatory. This means that the compound could inhibit eicosanoid generation and demonstrated anti-oxidant activity in the cell.
And in 1997, studies conducted in the microbiological unit of the Research Center, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which could prove that black cumin can be used as drug allergies.
1 tsp cumin oil contains 5 cc black for a nutritious drink to relieve asthma. In the Middle East, Black Seed oil commonly used as a homemade asthma medication. Patients with back and chest smeared with oil, cumin, or inhaling fumes and drink immediately. Nigella sativa oil from it should be drunk every day.
after taking black cumin oil, people with asthma breathe easier and be able to dance at school. It is usually still a little mucus in the airways that make our voices hoarse. However, it can be lost after 2 days of taking black cumin oil.
Research on black cumin
According to Dr. Heri Prasetyo Diding MSi, researchers from the University Eleven in March, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia; asthma actually an alias of inflammatory conditions of airway inflammation due to hypersensitivity reactions to allergens. It might be a dust allergens, drugs, smoke, food or other allergens. Another example of the type hypersensitivity that result in inflammation of this kind is a skin allergy to specific allergens.
Hypersensitivity reaction in the airways that cause excess mucus production and inflammation. In addition, hypersensitivity also stimulates the muscles around the airways contract or tighten. The combination of those three things make the airways narrow and difficult to pass the air when we breathe.
Diding and the team from Faculty of Medicine, University Eleven March Surakarta (UNS) conducted research on mice to determine the effect of black cumin against asthma. Mice exposed to ovalbumin in aluminum hydroxide on days 4 and 20 studies. Ovalbumin are allergens trigger airway hypersensitivity reactions. In the second exposure, allergic reactions began to emerge.
At the same time, mice were fed with black cumin oil. The dose used in conversion of dose in humans that is multiplied by 0.0026 (conversion factor of the human dose to mice). Black cumin oil used many products on the market. Furthermore, mice re-exposed to aerosolized ovalbumin on day 26, 29, 31, 39, and 42.
For comparison, Diding provide third-generation antihistamine drugs in other groups of mice models of asthma. The 3rd generation antihistamines have the advantage of previous generations because aside from having the effect of antihistamines also showed anti-inflammatory effects. As a control group: mice without any treatment.
In the control group as much as 83.33% of the population do not have inflammation (inflammation grade 0). The rest had minimal inflammation (inflammatory grade 1). Ovalbumin exposed groups (asthma model) showed inflammation moderate (grade 3) as much as 8.83% and the remainder suffered severe inflammation (grade 4).
In the asthma model group mice fed black cumin oil decreased the degree of inflammation. Severe inflammation occurs only in 8.33% of the population, was 58.34%, and the rest suffered only mild inflammation. Results were in line with the effect of the 3rd generation antihistamines.
Giving an antihistamine shown to decrease the degree of inflammation so that mice had severe inflammation live 16.67%; moderate, 50%, mild (grade 2), 8.33% and the rest is minimal inflammation.
Equivalent antihistamines
From the results of his research, Diding and the team drew the conclusion that the ability of black cumin oil lowers the degree of airway inflammation in animal models of allergic asthma is proportional to the 3rd-generation antihistamines. 'That's because Nigella sativa oil have anti-inflammatory effect,' said the master of the field of immunology graduate of the University of Airlangga it.
Black Seed oil contains linoleic acid and thymoquinone. Linoleic acid plays down tumor necrosis factor (TNF) - one of the cytokines or proteins produced by specialized immune cells that cause cell death and inflammation causing inflammation alias. Because TNF levels drop, the degree of inflammation was reduced.
In addition, linoleic acid also plays a role in lowering the production of histamine - trigger allergies and suppress the formation of immunoglobulin E (IgE). IgE is an antibody which can specifically recognize the allergen and present it to the mast cells via specific receptors that will be formed inflammatory mediators. Although thymoquinone has a different mechanism, but it's basically compounds are also anti-inflammatory. Thymoquinone reduce TH2 cytokines, serum IgE, preventing mast cell degranulation, and thus lowers TNF down allergic reactions.
Diding research results and in line with the research team of Dr. Peter Schleicher Med, Munich, Germany. Immunologists tried pure black cumin seed oil to 600 patients with allergies. These include acne sufferers of asthma and allergy sufferers due to allergies and pollen and dust. The result, 70% of patients were cured of allergies.

source: adapted from various sources


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