Saturday, January 7, 2017

Milk kefir to treat asthma

Kefir or kephir (/kəˈfir/ kə-feer),[1][2] alternatively milk kefir, or búlgaros, is a fermented milk drink made with kefir "grains" (a yeast/bacterial fermentation starter) and has its origins in the north Caucasus Mountains.[3] It is prepared by inoculating cowgoat, or sheep milk with kefir grains.[4] Traditional kefir was made in skin bags that were hung near a doorway; the bag would be knocked by anyone passing through the doorway to help keep the milk and kefir grains well mixed.[5] (source : wikipedia)

Fighting asthma seems totally impossible for most people. That is if you give up on the state, without trying to find solutions for treating asthma that you suffered.

Every disease has a cure, but not all of the same drug can cure the same sickness. This is due to many factors that influence the patient sick.

As with asthma. Every person who suffers from asthma, has different conditions in many respects. So that the medicine given by doctors was sometimes different between asthmatics with each other.

It has come to my attention over the years. When looking for a cure for asthma suffered by my wife, I tried to pay attention to the specific information I get about the treatment of asthma.

And at that time, my father provide information that could change the conditions of my wife's health. My father told me about kefir grains and benefits. And one of the benefits that exist in kefir grains are able to alleviate the symptoms of asthma and eases breathing.

In 2007, researchers studied the effect of milk kefir on asthmatic mice. They found that kefir was able to significantly control asthma and the inflammatory response that happens in the respiratory tract. Kefir also reduced the production of mucus.

Indeed, researchers found that kefir was more effective than common anti-asthmatic drugs.

However, I do not recommend milk if you have a condition where mucus is produced, such as a cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc. Once the condition improves, fermented milk kefir is a better choice than milk—after the sugar is consumed by the beneficial microbes, it becomes far less mucus-forming.

I have done this therapy to my wife, asking her to drink milk kefir twice a day, morning after breakfast and at night before bed.

In my experience, the consumption of milk kefir for people with asthma can not be to treat an asthma attack. Milk kefir itself serves as a supplement for people with asthma. So that the effect of the treatment is in long term.

For complete and detailed information about milk kefir please consult with your health care professional.


  1. I suffer from exercise induced asthma and am also susceptible to cold, wood smoke, grass, dust and so on. After a few months of drinking milk kefir everyday - not to treat my asthma but just because my wife started making it - I was able to shovel snow, and walk uphill without ventolin. I stopped taking symbicort and my lungs are fine. A study of one doesn't prove anything, but I made no other changes to my diet or lifestyle and it's possible that the milk kefir is responsible. It would certainly be worth trying for anyone with asthma.

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