Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Black Cumin, Powerfull Against Asthma

For centuries, black cumin is used by millions of people in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to maintain health. Oil and herb believed to cure diseases related to respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, stomach and liver disorders as well as to boost the immune system. hat's why black cumin is so powerful against asthma.In Arabic, black cumin is known as the Habbatussauda (seed of happiness) or habbatul baraka, which means seed that brings blessing. For the Muslims, black cumin is the grace of God. Prompts Prophet Muhammad to take advantage of the black cumin is recorded in a hadith. "Stay with Black Seed treatment for surely he could cure all diseases except death."Efficacy of black cumin spread to Egypt, Greece, and India. Tutankhamen tomb discovered in the narrative that black cumin Pharaoh's personal physician used as raw material oils and ointments to treat digestive disorders. Cleopatra and Nefertiti used it to treat the skin to stay soft.In 460 BC, Hippocrates recommended the use of these plants to generate vitality and energy, comfort, and to overcome fatigue and psychic body. Dioscoredes, a physicist from the Greek, reported that black cumin is used to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothache, increase milk production, and to cure intestinal worms.
The year 980 AD, Ibnu Sina in The Cannon of Medicine declared Black Cumin as a stimulus to help restore power and freshness of the body, stimulates energy, and helps recovery from fatigue or lack of spirit.Ibnu Sina praised Black Seed as a drug that can generate energy in the body and is able to relieve tired and lethargic. In his book, the Ibnu Sina also recommends habbatussauda to overcome various illnesses, including fever, asthma, headache, toothache, colds, skin diseases, sores, irritation, as anti-fungal, helminthic, and parasites. Nigellone prevent muscle spasms and dilate the respiratory tract, so that black cumin efficacious for respiratory diseases. Nigellone also is an antihistamine, which helps reduce allergies, whereas thymoquinone efficacious anti-inflammatory . These compounds are effective for flushing the body of toxins.
In 1960, Mahfouz and Badr El-Dakhakhny, Egyptian researchers, isolating the active substance nigellone of essential oils of black cumin. Researchers found that two volatile oils (tends to evaporate at normal temperature and pressure) in the black cumin is nigellone and thymoquinone. From the results of various studies that have been done, it can be concluded that Black Seed contains more than 100 important natural chemical element that is needed by the body, among others:
  •     Oleic (Omega 9) - is an essential element of the Omega family that has monounsaturated fatty acids or mono unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), has properties to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).
  •     Linoleic (Omega 6) and linolenic (Omega 3) - has an important role in the body. It is known based on a study of the Eskimos who eat a lot of fish. Omega-6, Omega-3 and Omega-9, proved instrumental in the growth and development of the body, and serves to prevent various chronic diseases.
  •     Volatile oils or essential oils - oils that have been used since ancient times to enhance the flavor of food, as well as antibacterial drugs, antioxidative, and fungicides.
  •     Phytosterol - which has the ability to compete with cholesterol in terms of absorption in the intestine. This resulted in reduced cholesterol absorbed. Moreover, it also serves to prevent the occurrence of cancer.
  •     Alkaloids (Nigelleine and Nigellamine-n-oxide)
  •     Amino acids
  •     In each pit, habbbatussauda containing 21% protein, 35% carbohydrate, 35-38% fat, monosaccharides and non-starch polysaccharides. Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrate or referred to as "simple sugars". While the non-starch polysaccharides is a useful resource for dietary fiber.
  •     Black Seed also contains Arginine plays an important role in its infancy.
  •     Chemical analysis further found that the seeds Habatussauda also contains carotene, which is then converted by the liver into vitamin A.
  •     Black Seed also contains calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. 11. Other content contained in Black Seed that is: Thymoquinone (TQ), Ditiymoquinone (DTQ), Thymohydroquinone (THQ), thymol (THY).
These are evidence of the efficacy of black cumin. In its use to treat asthma, black cumin proved very effective. When you start taking Black Seed, the majority of people will experience healing effects. These healing effects cause the body to be uncomfortable. These effects are as a proof and a sign that the healing process and detoxification is working within the body.
In some people, it would appear some symptoms, such as:
  1.     In women there who experience vaginal discharge or the appearance of acne
  2.     Appears itching in people with asthma (or other allergic diseases)
  3.     Appears pain (sore) at the waist, legs, or hands
  4.     As if the history of the old diseases reappear
  5.     Diarrhea
  6.     Frequent urination
  7.     Fever or flu
  8.     Headaches or migraines (usually in smokers and alcohol drinkers)
  9.     Nausea or bloating; lethargic
  10.     Many remove phlegm or mucus
  11.     Emotional disturbance

The healing effect will not last long, it will end in 2-3 days, depending on health conditions and durability of our health condition. But not everyone who consumes Seed will experience these symptoms, it is highly dependent of the immune system and type of disease they have.

Few recipes of black cumin for treating asthma.

  • one teaspoon of black cumin oil mixed with a cup of coffee. Twice daily, morning and night, for 2 days, Will overcome asthma and attack.
  • Oil of black cumin will effectively cure asthma. Apply oil of black cumin in the chest and back. Or mix 1 teaspoon black cumin oil into boiling water and inhale steam twice a day.
  • black cumin capsules 2 times a day, 1 / 2 hour before meals. Unless you have an ulcer, then taken 2 hours after meals.
Hopefully bring benefits to us all. 


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