Sunday, October 11, 2015

Inhaler for asthma, not a homemade type

This one is definitely not a homemade one, but only to be prepared before the worst thing come. May it will never come, I hope. Many people who suffers from asthma will always carry an inhaler. Just in case of sudden attack of asthma.

For me personally, I consider asthma as part of my life story. It may will never end for the rest of my life. But all thing has its own reason to happen. And  I am still greatfull to be given the ability and strength to accompany my wife to deal with her asthma.

Inhaler for asthma has became the primary need on my monthly list. It was Berotec, given by our trusted doctor, to my beloved spouse. It almost like ,  the first defend system in the front line, when the asthma attack occure. And I thank to God it works.

As we know, Berotec Inhaler does not cure asthma, it only eradicate the attack symtoms. And if we are aware, the use of inhaler in a long term is not advisable, by any doctor. So do not rely on inhaler all the time. The best thing to do is to keep fighting the disease in any kind of methode possible, mentally and spiritually.

There are no certainty in what we do for us or our beloved one to be free from asthma, but there is always a way out from any kind of trouble. Let's believe in cause and effect.

It would be a good thing to have a supply of inhaler in home, but it would be better if we do not rely on this type of medication. Beside, natural and homemade remedies can be the more better solutions.

1 comment:

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