Thursday, September 8, 2016

Clean and hygienic water to support home remedy for asthma

Water is the source of life. Its means in water there is content that is capable of supporting life, especially for humans. Type of water is very diverse, so not all of the water can be used to make ends meet.

In this case  water as the source of life is the water that can be consumed safely. That means the water that is clean and hygienic.

So what is got to do with asthma? If you are an asthma sufferer, then when you see a doctor often the doctor will advise you to take medication regularly and consume lots of water.

Medically, consuming lots of drinking water are not relevant to asthma itself, but psychological factors that often escape from medical observation is when asthma attacks, the  sufferer will experience stress and depression that can lead to severe dehydration. So the logic is consuming water can reduce pain or soothe so as to reduce asthma attacks itself. So, we can say clean and hygienic water to support home remedy for asthma can be true, don't you think?

So here, clean water and hygiene could be one of home remedy or treatment to reduce asthma attacks. If you usually consume water in a day and a night on average of 1 liter, then increase again by consuming water as much as 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

Nowadays, the water supply and hygiene has become an expensive commodity, especially for hard water areas. So if your access to clean water is still easy, do not waste it and begin to consume lots of water. If it is water that is less clean and hygienic, consider creating your own water purification system. Tools and fittings for water filter are eligible here

Believe me, the world still has not found a cure for asthma. But that does not mean it's doesn't exist. All that is created in this world was created each pair, then if there is a disease  than certainly there is a cure for the diseases. All the answers are in yourself , just the matter of how you will uncover the answer. Do not just rely on the advice and opinions of others, for the answers to the solution of asthma for each person must be different.

Clean and hygienic water to support home remedy for asthma can be one of your solution you are looking for.


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